Secondary 2019 Forum
LET’S TALK 2020 Forums increase
Building on the success of the LET'S TALK format, the 2020 series of Forums increased from three to six events, though due to Covid-19 the final event scheduled at Dulwich [...]
Educating the parents
A YouTube channel to educate the parents was proposed by students in the first round of discussion Forums early in 2019. Community TV Trust is taking up the challenge and [...]
Help families understand their children
HAP: There should be a YouTube channel that has people like you as a panel, and they go to different schools and have different secondary and primary schools give their [...]
Film drama from Peckham young people
Inspiring stories emerge. Young people in the Peckham area brought together by Movement Factory under the leadership of Leanne Pero have produced a powerful film drama about being young and [...]
Forums voice urgent needs
We know more than gang crime and violence, we should have more events like this but we need to speak about other stuff. student at Harris Academy Peckham
Discussion Forums – feel safe
LET'S TALK guarantees anonymity to all participants. Forums are audio recorded so that a transcript can be produced, but names are removed. Anyone willing to be filmed after the event [...]
What Southwark young people have to say
Youth clubs?
The value of Bede? Bede’s my family. My second family.
Need to talk …
It scares me to even talk to anyone. Most of the time I just bottle it.
HAP student
HAP student
Maybe we need to know more about how to handle peer pressure in other situations, you know, how to deal with mental things in other situations.
Brandon Estate resident
“Last year we had two deaths in our area, and I live right in front of the block … I knew the two boys, I used to play football with them. One of them was stabbed and one was shot. … we should be investing in youth clubs.”
HAP student
I listen to drill music but I don’t act that way.
SSQ pupil 2019
“I want to know why isn’t it safe for a child to grow up in Southwark.”
Seeing things
I have left my house one day and I’ve seen a shooting, and someone was killed opposite my house.
HAP student
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